The CTLPA St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter welcome you!
Chapter History

The St. Kitts and Nevis Chapter's headquarters is located at Windsor University School of Medicine St. Kitts. The CTLPA St. Kitts Chapter is supported by the Caribbean Tertiary Level Personnel Association (CTLPA) which was birthed in 1997 and is one of the first international divisions of the American College Personnel Association (ACPA). The CTLPA’s primary focus is to foster development of a student-centered culture in tertiary level educational institutions across the Caribbean. The St. Kitts Chapter has benefits from the CTLPA and over the years has introduced webinars hosted and executed by locally-based student affairs professionals. These webinars introduce evidence-based practice, strengthen the delivery of services to students and support the well-being of local student services professionals. Our Chapter hosts monthly meetings every third Wednesday. Currently, members are drawn from The Windsor University School of Medicine St. Kitts.. We look forward to welcoming and connecting with Student Affairs practitioners living and working in St. Kitts, by creating a space for Student Affairs Professionals to share their stories.
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